Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Hello Europe, nice to meet you..."

Well, this is quite the turn of events.
I certainly wasn't expecting to end up smack dab in the middle of Scandanavia. Not now, not ever.
Not being for a lack of interest to see the world. But more so of a lack of time or direction.
I'd always thought myself to visiting one of the big-time hot spots; London, Rome, Paris, Berlin...

... Linköping? .. Sweden?

It wasn't long ago that I wouldn't have been able to point to Sweden on a map. Let alone tell you what the country has contributed as its namesake. Even now I have compiled a rather pathetic list:

  • Ikea.
  • Tempur Pedic.
  • Vikings.
  • That one movie with the girl with the tattoo.
  • Blonde babes (sans beach).
  • Volvo.
  • Mora knives.
  • The Knife (the band).
  • Socialism.
  • Did I say babes? .. oh yeah.. I did..

As one can clearly note, work on the list is needing to be done.

Now, despite my terrible ignorance. I've been blessed.
Truly blessed.
For it is on this day that I can sit quite snug within this cafe and broadcast my naive ramblings from the Frosty North.

How did I end up here?
I'd like to say it was destiny. I'd like to say it was sheer willpower, or perhaps determination.
I'd like to say a hundred other melodramatic and fanciful stories wrought with adventure and intrigue...
-however- the truth is much simpler than that.

I am here on the good graces of my lovely girlfriend, Anne, my crazy boss, Mark, and my lovable yet dysfunctional parents.
It is with all of their powers combined that I am able to follow my dreams, and see the world.
Why am I so lucky to have this opportunity?
One could see it as being in the right place at the right time.
Another might look at it as my alarmingly mellow attitude getting me by and opening doors.
My ex-girlfriend would say it's because I'm a relentless sociopath bent on bleeding every last person I encounter dry of their resources and generosity.
I tend to disagree with her, but sometimes I feel like I am.

I'm really not certain exactly as to why I'm here instead of other, more hard-working and honorable folk. I'm not sure I deserve this luxury or this gift.

But the best I can do is the best we all can do:
And that is to live, and to learn. To become a better, more traveled, and wise person.

This marks my second day in Linköping. Anne has been busy with her studies (work) both of those days. From 8am 'til 8pm (0800 - 2000 for those of you counting). These circumstances have offered me quite a strange introduction into this small big town.
Amongst the urban confusion and backwards architecture, I have encountered countless beautiful views at every turn, and a pleasant clambering of my shoes among the old stones that make up the streets.
This, all observed through an upside down filtered haze born from jet-lag and insomnia.

I can hardly imagine the Nordic splendor that awaits me in the coming weeks.

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