Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Golden Week Begins - Asakusa Revisited and Harajuku Bachido Extravaganza!

"Do you even lift?"

Epic Subway Art

Now THAT'S a pinata!

One Yakitori too many


A little packed

The mice come out of the woodwork for Golden Week

Where there's Anne, there's coffee

Which Ginza?

Golden Poo

Posted up at every station entrance, don't know why. They sure look ready for something though...

Next stop - Harajuku!

We follow the sounds of 'TWANG', and we discover Bachido members everywhere!

Just because it doesn't have three strings, doesn't mean it ain't welcome

Yoyogi Park


Adon teaches Anne about scales

Kyle rocks some Jongara

I make a cameo appearance

Random Shanshin Guy

Yup, that's definitely Harajuku


Can't get enough of this urban decay

Love Kills



Hustlin' - but they were having none of it


Yeah, more coffee

Dem lips

A duel to the

Food Zombie

We're not bored, we're very focused

Honbu Kamidana

1 comment:

  1. So nice to recap with your photos!
    I DO lift!!!!
    There is coffee in Sweden...
